Sunday, September 19, 2010

Broke vs RIch

I was recently talking to a friend of my brother and he told me to be careful with the industry that I am in. He painted a picture of greed, corruption and failure. He told me that 99% of people fail, that the income potential was not as great as it seems because of the failure rate. He also mentioned that everyone was just looking out for their own bank accounts and no one really cared about anyone else. Do you see the trend here? This person CHOSE to focus on the negative aspects of business, he CHOSE to see the failure as oppose to the success. Apparently he forgot one of the primary rules of the universe... whatever you focus on, expands.

Now I want to outline the mindsets of the broke and the rich from my experience and you tell me where your thoughts are taking you each day.

"Everyone is out to get me, they just want to take my money and see me fail for their benefit."

"Everyone is conspiring to make me successful, people want to help and guide me without expecting anything in return."

"People are losing their jobs, taxes are too high and things are so expensive. I need to find a good job with benefits and a pension!"

"The world is an infinitely abundant place, opportunity has never been greater! Now is the time to build a business because "profits are better than wages""Jim Rohn

"I wish it were easier! I wish I had less problems!"

"Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills" Jim Rohn

Don't listen to the broke people, they can only teach you how to become broke. Choose to focus on the abundance that the world has to offer and all of the opportunity. When I hear that unemployment is on the rise I am ecstatic!! Why? Because people are becoming liberated from their chains and are now looking for opportunities like what I have to offer. People are dreaming again! What the world needs is more entrepreneurs, people who have learned to be self sufficient.

Always focus on the positive in any situation because remember... whatever you focus on... EXPANDS.

Monday, September 13, 2010

People are dreaming again...

WHAT A WEEKEND! Just came back from Charlotte North Carolina for a convention and I am fired up!! The weekend was full of great training, great people and great conversations. I met a ton of new friends and business contacts. Some new announcements were released that will literally change the way we communicate FOREVER. Email me at if you want details on that..

So today I was out introducing the business to some old friends and I am happy to report that the results are very positive. Another thing that I noticed from conversing with them is that people are starting to dream again!!!! I think the masses are starting to realize that a job is no bringing them the satisfaction they want out of life and they are searching for something more.

One person shared a dream of playing soccer in Italy and living near the beach so that they can play soccer there everyday. I know that she will realize the dream because of her commitment to her dream. She loves the business and I am going to mentor her to the success she truly deserves so that she can live the life that she wants.

If your reading this then do NOT give up on your dreams because of a job. Go after everything you want, make it happen at whatever cost. I will live under a bridge before I give up on this business and that is the attitude you need to adopt to have success in any field your pursuing.

The secret to success is simply take ACTION today!!!! Whatever you want just start to go after it. Take baby steps if you need to but just get your wheels moving!!!