Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Promoting Events

Last Saturday was the big regional event in Mississauga. There were a few thousand people in attendance, which is fantastic considering it was a long weekend AND caribanna was on.
We heard from leaders in the company on building your business and acquiring customers as well as the story of our company's humble beginnings.

I was able to convince my parents to come out for the first time to see an event. There are the most rotten of rotten apples when it comes to this business. Every day they tell me to quit and just get a "safe secure job with benefits" I don't know about anyone else but giving up a chance at freedom to go to jail is not what I have in mind for my future.

The lesson I want to pass on is that because they attended the event they agreed to support my business with some services. If you knew my parents you would know that this is a great victory!!

Promote events! These events are the secret to success. When people attend an event they see the big picture of the company and the vision of where we are going. These events will be your ticket to a huge downline! Just get good at promoting these events and you will make it to the top of the company, guaranteed!

This business is very simple... Let the people with experience do the hard work. Bring people to the events and you can be certain that they will be excited to make money with you.

1 comment:

  1. Rock & Roll Daniel...

    Congrats on finally getting their support.

    You my friend understand this business. You have the perfect mindset and most importantly, will succeed in this business.

    It'll be a short few tough years and then they will all want a weekend at your ridiculous cottage, a ride on your outrageous yatch etc., etc., etc.

    Keep it rolling and I'll see you on stage !!!!

