Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Breaking Through

"Success is not something you pursue, success is something you attract by becoming attractive..." Jim Rohn

For the past few months I was having a tough time building momentum in my businesses. I was so focused on trying to get success that I forgot that the only way to have success is to attract it. Once I switched my focus back to gratitude and helping others achieve their goals, the success started to flow to me.

Here is the lesson, go to work on yourself. Be the type of person that people want to do business with. If that means that you need to change some personality traits, then do it! Be more social, be more caring, listen more and talk less. Once you start regularly practicing these actions, they will become habit. When they become habit they will be ingrained in your personality.

You will notice that as you become a more attractive person more and more people will start to talk about you in a positive light. This will build your reputation in the business world and then you will gain the most important thing in business... TRUST.

The other HUGE factor to my recent success has been showing gratitude. Understand that the universe is conspiring to your benefit so everything that is happening to you is happening for a reason. Always express gratitude for all the things that are going right in your life, and ask for strength to handle the challenges. Once you start expressing gratitude you will notice that you will attract more and more abundance. For me, it usually takes only a few minutes for things to start appearing for me. It's getting ridiculous!!! Who knows what we can attract next!!


  1. Danny....YOU ARE AWESOME!!!
    Thank you for being a good friend, and helping me and Sergio when in need!
    Thank you also so much for sponsoring me on my new project. I will make you guys proud and possibly bring you more business! Uggs...
