Haven't written one of these in a while but I was watching a Gary V video tonight and it got me thinking...
I truly believe that we are entering the age of the entrepreneur now and going forward the only way to have security is to learn the skills of entrepreneurship and build your own business. Here is why I think this...
First, the job market is not improving contrary to what the government is trying to get us to believe. They will throw all kinds of bullshit reports and numbers to tell you that everything is improving but when I speak to people in the real world it is just not the case. Fact of the matter is that companies are scaling back on benefits and cutting pay.
If you don't agree with me consider this for a moment... Imagine you owned a business. Would you hire someone for 60,000 a year with experience or hire a kid fresh out of university for 30,000 who can be taught to be just as efficient in 6 months and does not expect benefits and a pension? Guys, wake up... there are schools full of kids waiting for graduation day so they can take YOUR job for a fraction of the pay. Why? Because since these kids are pilled with debt they don't give a shit where they work or for how much as long as they can start paying back this debt. Companies don't care about your experience now, its just not important anymore, you are actually a liability to the company the longer you are there.
Next, since the paradigm is shifting and people are starting to wake up they are beginning to realize that the most important asset right now is a network. People are starting to put more and more attention into social media platforms and connecting with people. As we move from the traditional model of go to school, get a safe secure job and save money the ones that are open to the idea of building their own business will win and the rest will lose.
You have to learn how to sell, period. This is one of the most important skills to learn today. Without this skill you will absolutely get crushed in this new economy. Luckily it is a skilled that can very easily be learned and applied quickly.
Lastly, the most underrated brand today is people. We are becoming increasing more connected and transparency is the name of the game. The luxury of privacy is a thing of the past but its not all bad... It forces us to be better people and more conscious citizens. Invest in people, build relationships, help others succeed, that is the ticket to success in 2012. We are heading back to small town rules, no longer do the spam emails and billboard advertisements dictate the way business is being done. People now have a say about what they want and word of mouth has NEVER been more powerful.
This is exactly why the network marketing industry is close to hitting the tipping point. With the job market deteriorating and cost of living increasing people are looking for plan B. Most people can't afford to take the risk of starting a traditional business with the high capital and time commitment. However through network marketing ANYONE can now be a business owner for a very low financial investment.
The exciting part for those of you reading this is that they industry is still so new that the majority of people don't understand it. They right it off as a scheme or a scam and never take the time to learn about it. Those same negative, skeptical people are about to get crushed in the coming years and the economy continues to struggle. This is where the opportunity lies, once all the laggards realize that they need a business of their own and pile into MLM companies, you will already be position to capitalize on this boom.
Another thing about the network marketing industry is that people are willing to invest in you and help you succeed. The corporate world does not endorse this, why? Simple, if you train someone to do your job better than you you will be out on the street in no time. Why would a company need you if someone else can do your job for less pay? In network marketing you WANT the people in your team to grow and even become better than you at building the business. You will still get a piece of the action no matter how big their team grows.
Personal growth is the ticket to freedom today, work on yourself harder than you work on your job.
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