Thursday, July 29, 2010

The 4 of Clubs

So last night was interesting... one of my mentors likes to compare this business to a deck of cards. Your looking for your aces but you have to go through all of the other cards to get to it.
Last night I came across the 4 of clubs, let me tell you about the 4 of clubs...

The 4 of clubs is excited about the business and wants to set up a meeting. We plan a meeting and I call to confirm a day in advance to make sure its on. It's on, location and time set. My upline and I drive an hour to meet the 4 and guess what? He doesn't show up! Surprise surprise!

I call, I text, I leave a message, I curse a bit, you know the usual response and no word from the 4 of clubs. Lesson: some people lack integrity and those are not the people you want to do business with anyway!

I realized that this was a good thing because a person like that would only be a waste of time and not worth the investment anyway. Always try to make a positive out of every situation. I chatted with the waitress at the restaurant a bit, shared my frustration a bit and she is interested in hearing about the business opportunity. Maybe things happen for a reason...

So I continue the journey, and I am glad to have encountered the 4 of clubs because this experience was nothing more than a deposit on my eventual success!

Keep searching for your aces!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Let me start by saying... what a great week! Momentum is your friend ladies and gentlemen!
Found a few more eager people that want to get on board with this incredible opportunity. The ship it setting sail are you going to be on it or just waving at us from the shore???

So let's talk about trends. I was walking through the subway yesterday and I notice the new TTC token machines. Sleek design, very convenient and much quicker! But wait with these machines why will they need employees? They won't and what's going to happen to all of those people once automation takes over our transit system. They will be looking for jobs. Some of them may not have the skills to compete for another job. Guess where all of those people are going to turn to... that's right folks Network Marketing!

We don't discriminate, we don't require work experience or years of expensive and time consuming schooling. All we are looking for is work ethic and desire for change. The world is going digital and companies are finding ways to run cheaper and more efficiently so that they can fire you, because guess what? A computer doesn't demand benefits and take sick days.

Where will all the retiree's who don't have a good enough pension or enough government aid to support their lifestyle work when the money runs out? They are going to look at network marketing companies. Why? Because its not hard labour and its something they can do out of the comfort of their homes. You want to be in a position to capitalize on the tidal wave coming!

How secure does your future look right now?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Relationship Building

Hey everyone,
Today I want to spend a little bit of time talking about cultivating relationships. In this business and any other business your involved with the number one key to success is relationships.
When you are talking to someone about the business they are thinking about what kind of relationship the two of you share. If it is one built on a foundation of lies and deceit then it likely that the person does not trust you and will not want to work with you.

I can't stress it enough that people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Before you start talking business take some time to get to know the person and what is important to them. You will find that if you take the time to build the friendship before you build your business then the partnership will be much stronger.

A business partner may leave you but a friend never will. This business is about solving other people's problems. Ask them why they want residual income and what it can do for them. They will usually share with you the reason why they want to do the business.

Be a friend first and a business partner second. Take the time to help them establish goals and work with them to achieve their goal. The longer you do this business the less it becomes about the money and the more its about helping people realize their dreams.

I wish you all the best of luck in building those relationships. Remember what Gitomer says " All things being equal people would rather do business with their friends. All things being not so equal, people would still rather do business with their friends."

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Love and Red Apples

Ok so this post is on recruiting. I had a talk with one of my business partners and he is frustrated that he can't find any people that want to do the business. I compared finding partners to finding a girlfriend.
Ladies you can just swap girlfriend for boyfriend the example still applies. So when your out on the hunt and your meeting a whole bunch of different girls looking for the one your going to click with, you will run into some rotten apples.
I'm sure every guy can relate to meeting a good looking girl, you exchange info and meet up for a drink or what not.
At first you get all excited because it's someone new and you think this could be the one! So you meet with her and things just aren't as you pictured they would be, they aren't all that interested anymore and things don't progress to the next level.
Now the same could be applied to prospects for the business, at first they are all excited and your hopes are sky high then for whatever reason things flop and your back to square one.
So let's say things do go well and you end up dating for a few years. Things are great then out of nowhere it all just falls apart. It's happened to all of us, that's just the way things go sometimes.

Let me ask you... If you meet a great girl and things don't work out long term do you just quit looking for a girl and settle for a life of staying home on a the weekends and crying over your bad luck? NO WAY you get your ass back out there and meet new girls!
Because you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there has to be a girl out there for you and you just keep trying until you find that person that your destined for!
The same is true with this business, who cares if it doesn't work out with a rep, keep looking until you find that person that will just explode your business!!
Believe me they are out there, you just need to look and never give up. It's crazy to even consider giving up because that person is out there waiting for you to find them! They need you just as much or maybe more than you need them!

Jim Rohn, "If you search you will find. Finding is reserved for those that search."

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Financial Freedom

Last night I was talking to a friend about money and budgeting. He was concerned that he has been spending a ton of money lately and he needs to cut back.
He worked out his budget and for all of his expenses including car, entertainment, food etc. he spends about 21 grand a year. Sounds like a lot but if you break it down thats only $1750 a month.
Now... if he figures out a way to earn $1750 a month RESIDUALLY then he can be financially free!
People seem to think that financial freedom is having a million dollars in your bank account. That is not the case! If you can earn enough money in residual income to cover your monthly expenses then you no longer have to go into work. You can wake up everyday and decide what you want to do then if you want to.
How much easier does it sound to earn $1750 as opposed to a million dollars? There are so many ways to earn residual income, the easiest is obviously network marketing. It's easier because there is a system in place and you don't need to start with a huge investment like real estate.
No matter what you are currently doing you can begin to go to work PART TIME on your residual income. It's so easy!
Think about this, if you are putting away $10,000 a year in savings, it will take you 100 years to save a million dollars... do you have 100 years left?

Sunday, July 18, 2010


This post is dedicated to vision...

I met with some people last week and showed them the Video Phone. One guy was pumped up, he loved it! The other... not so much. His comment was, 'people don't have house phones anymore no one will buy this.'

WOW... that is a pretty bold statement. I'm no statistician but I'd bet over 90% of homeowners have a house phone.

Some people just don't see the vision of this opportunity. Let me spell it out so that it's clear for everyone reading this. The shift from analog to digital in our telephones will be the greatest shift in wealth in history! People are so dedicated to the old rules of making money, go to school, get a job, work 40-50 years then retire on a pension and government aid. Wake up! The rules of money have changed, why do you think the government raised to the retirement age to 75? They ARE BROKE! They can't afford to pay you after you retire so they are hoping you die before they have to start paying!

Start building a stream of residual income now so that you are protected later in life. We are entering the age of the entrepreneur, job security is a thing of the past.

Network marketing is the business of the future, the industry is proven and has created financial freedom for so many people.

Are you next?

Friday, July 16, 2010

Red or Rotten?

Today was a very positive day! Had a great lunch with a friend and discussed the business. It's a relief to finally talk to someone who sees the potential that this business has to offer. It reassured me that there are some people out there who understand how important it is to start building streams of residual income to protect their future!
Let me share with you something I learned after talking to quite a few people this week. Some people will see the potential of MLM and others just don't have a clue. My advice is don't spend a second longer with the naysayers than you have to! At the end of the day who gives a $#!T what people think about what your doing! Are they going to pay your bills or feed your kids? Also chances are they are broke! So why take their advice on making money?
This doesn't just apply to network marketing it applies to anything you do in life. All of the greatest achievers were laughed at and criticized for their dreams, imagine what kind of a world we would be if they just followed the crowd.
I received an email a few days ago from a mentor of mine at York who said, "Do not be a follower, stand for things you believe - it will separate you from the pack." Great advice!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The journey begins...

This is my first blog and I have to say I am pretty excited. This blog will track my journey to the top of my network marketing company.
I currently sit at the first income level in this company and I am starting to appreciate the value of getting paid residually.
Let me just start by saying that there is nothing like residual income. Now I understand what all these wealthy people are on about. They did not trade time for money to get to the top they developed streams of residual income!
So that's the good news... but here is the bad. I had an issue with the service provided to a customer yesterday. There was a problem with the hook up and the customer was angry. Now I was a little bit down about it because they had to wait until today to get service but the moral of the story is that telecom is not perfect and that sometimes there will be problems. That could have ruined my day but I understand that problems mean progress. However I am happy to report that another one of my customers was satisfied with their service and is loving the savings!
It all evens out in the end!

Most people don't know that they could be paying less for equal or better service on the essentials they use every single day! Please pass on the message because its a great feeling knowing that you just saved your family or friends hundreds of dollars a year on something they have to pay for anyway!!