Sunday, August 29, 2010

Instant Gratification

We live in a world where we want everything NOW! I am the first to admit that I am guilty of being impatient when it comes to gratification. What I am willing to wait for is financial freedom. Let me introduce to you the magic penny....
If I gave the option of taking one penny doubled for 30 days or 3 million in cash today which would you choose? Many people would take the 3 million cash and think it is the smarter choice. If you work the numbers you see that on day 2 you would have 2 cents, day 3 would produce 4 cents, day 4 would give you 8 cents... by day 15, that's half way through the month, you are still only at $327.67. The 3 million looks like the smarter bet but wait... on day 25 you will have $335,544.31. hmm its getting bigger but still far from the 3 million. Where the magic is really starting to become evident is day 28 where you are over 2.6 million. Now in the final two days you blow the 3 million out of the water and end up with over 10 million on day 30! Still happy with taking the 3 million???

The point I want to make with this is that so many people settle for that 50k a year job because it looks like a large sum of money so they believe that they have succeeded! People take the instant gratification because they are not willing to build a business and stick it out for long enough to see the huge returns!!

There is so much potential that is squandered because people just settle and then stop dreaming. They get bogged down with their day to day routine that they no longer have then energy to pursue what they really wanted out of life.

When you ask a child what they want to be when they grow up do they ever say, " I want to work my way up to middle management" or " I want to be overworked and underpaid!" Absolutely NOT! After we reach a certain age our parents and friends tell us to be "realistic" and just get a job with benefits. No one has ever accomplished anything of significance by being "realistic"

Don't sell your dreams short people, we were all meant to do great things!

Monday, August 23, 2010

100% Responsibility

Let me start this blog by sharing something positive about my week. This week I had a new rep come into the business and another one will be joining later this week! Momentum has arrived!!! I am so excited for these guys starting their journey and I know they will find success!

Ok so today I want to talk about taking responsibility. Let me first make it clear to everyone reading that whatever has happened to you in your life, good or bad, is entirely your fault. You have attracted everything that you currently have into your life. It is only when you accept full responsibility for your circumstances that you will start to see a change. Always remember that your success is your responsibility, no one else's! My parents, God bless them, also have a plan for financial freedom but unfortunately for them it is called the lottery. They have been playing religiously every week for the last 25+ years and still have not won. I figure by the time they win the jackpot will be the equivalent of what they have spent on tickets all these years!

Hoping and wishing is not the way to financial freedom. I have a rep who assures me that they are committed and coachable but more often then not I just get excuses about why they aren't attending events or calling prospects. Let's make it perfectly clear that excuses and blame will keep you a prisoner of mediocrity! Again let's take full responsibility for our success and our lives because remember... When ever you are pointing the finger at somebody else, there are always 3 more fingers pointing back at you...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Goal Setting

Have you set a goal and did not achieve it? I'm sure we can all agree that there is no more demotivating than failing to reach a goal that was important to you. Well the success of the goal depends on how you set it.
Most people set a goal by writing down what they want for example "I want a new car", and then they write down the steps they need to take to get to that new car. This is the most ineffective way to set a goal and it is the reason why most goals are not met!
Start with what you want... Describe it very clearly. If you want a car describe the make, model, colour, all the features you want in it, everything down to the brand of tires on the car. Now that you have a picture of the car in your mind, visualize yourself already having it. Feel your hands gripping the steering wheel as you step on the gas. The visualization is the most important part.
Think of visualization as a seed. Once you plant the seed in your subconscious mind you leave it there to grow. Understand that things don't happen overnight and it takes time for the universe to deliver to you what you ask for. But be certain that it will deliver if you stay committed to your goal.
Next you need to create a reverse timeline. Most people set a regular timeline meaning the select a date and write down all of the things needed to be done before that day arrives. Unfortunately that is not the way to properly set a goal.
Affirmations is the final step. This is a statement to your subconscious mind that propels you to your goal.

I have designed a goal setting template that you can follow to ensure your success.
Email me at for a free copy!

Take action!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Promoting Events

Last Saturday was the big regional event in Mississauga. There were a few thousand people in attendance, which is fantastic considering it was a long weekend AND caribanna was on.
We heard from leaders in the company on building your business and acquiring customers as well as the story of our company's humble beginnings.

I was able to convince my parents to come out for the first time to see an event. There are the most rotten of rotten apples when it comes to this business. Every day they tell me to quit and just get a "safe secure job with benefits" I don't know about anyone else but giving up a chance at freedom to go to jail is not what I have in mind for my future.

The lesson I want to pass on is that because they attended the event they agreed to support my business with some services. If you knew my parents you would know that this is a great victory!!

Promote events! These events are the secret to success. When people attend an event they see the big picture of the company and the vision of where we are going. These events will be your ticket to a huge downline! Just get good at promoting these events and you will make it to the top of the company, guaranteed!

This business is very simple... Let the people with experience do the hard work. Bring people to the events and you can be certain that they will be excited to make money with you.