Haven't written one of these in a while but I was watching a Gary V video tonight and it got me thinking...
I truly believe that we are entering the age of the entrepreneur now and going forward the only way to have security is to learn the skills of entrepreneurship and build your own business. Here is why I think this...
First, the job market is not improving contrary to what the government is trying to get us to believe. They will throw all kinds of bullshit reports and numbers to tell you that everything is improving but when I speak to people in the real world it is just not the case. Fact of the matter is that companies are scaling back on benefits and cutting pay.
If you don't agree with me consider this for a moment... Imagine you owned a business. Would you hire someone for 60,000 a year with experience or hire a kid fresh out of university for 30,000 who can be taught to be just as efficient in 6 months and does not expect benefits and a pension? Guys, wake up... there are schools full of kids waiting for graduation day so they can take YOUR job for a fraction of the pay. Why? Because since these kids are pilled with debt they don't give a shit where they work or for how much as long as they can start paying back this debt. Companies don't care about your experience now, its just not important anymore, you are actually a liability to the company the longer you are there.
Next, since the paradigm is shifting and people are starting to wake up they are beginning to realize that the most important asset right now is a network. People are starting to put more and more attention into social media platforms and connecting with people. As we move from the traditional model of go to school, get a safe secure job and save money the ones that are open to the idea of building their own business will win and the rest will lose.
You have to learn how to sell, period. This is one of the most important skills to learn today. Without this skill you will absolutely get crushed in this new economy. Luckily it is a skilled that can very easily be learned and applied quickly.
Lastly, the most underrated brand today is people. We are becoming increasing more connected and transparency is the name of the game. The luxury of privacy is a thing of the past but its not all bad... It forces us to be better people and more conscious citizens. Invest in people, build relationships, help others succeed, that is the ticket to success in 2012. We are heading back to small town rules, no longer do the spam emails and billboard advertisements dictate the way business is being done. People now have a say about what they want and word of mouth has NEVER been more powerful.
This is exactly why the network marketing industry is close to hitting the tipping point. With the job market deteriorating and cost of living increasing people are looking for plan B. Most people can't afford to take the risk of starting a traditional business with the high capital and time commitment. However through network marketing ANYONE can now be a business owner for a very low financial investment.
The exciting part for those of you reading this is that they industry is still so new that the majority of people don't understand it. They right it off as a scheme or a scam and never take the time to learn about it. Those same negative, skeptical people are about to get crushed in the coming years and the economy continues to struggle. This is where the opportunity lies, once all the laggards realize that they need a business of their own and pile into MLM companies, you will already be position to capitalize on this boom.
Another thing about the network marketing industry is that people are willing to invest in you and help you succeed. The corporate world does not endorse this, why? Simple, if you train someone to do your job better than you you will be out on the street in no time. Why would a company need you if someone else can do your job for less pay? In network marketing you WANT the people in your team to grow and even become better than you at building the business. You will still get a piece of the action no matter how big their team grows.
Personal growth is the ticket to freedom today, work on yourself harder than you work on your job.
Road to RVP
Daniel Correia

Saturday, May 12, 2012
Sunday, May 29, 2011
We are who we choose to be.
Back by popular demand is another blog entry...
The last few months I have been working on getting to the next level in my company. It has been a bit of a roller coaster but I met and am now working with some incredible people.
Life has been a little complicated in all areas of life but I truly believe that these tests are coming as a sign that I need to grow into a bigger person to deserve the leadership role that I am about to take on in my business...
I have neglected certain areas of my life in pursuit of my goals. Relationships and my physical fitness have suffered quite a bit the last few months. In terms of fitness, Im not getting fat or anything just making food choices that are correlate to someone operating at peak potential. Again I want to underline that these are choices not circumstances. I have learned that everything that happens to me is a result of a choice that I made and nothing else.
Relationships are cornerstone to personal development. I feel that I need to fortify that aspect of my life because success comes from strong relationships with friends, family and significant others. When you become what you seek you attract it into your life. Jim Rohn said it best that 'to have more you need to become more'
It is evident that I have achieved the success I have now based on my willingness to stretch and grow. Lately I have grown comfortable in my success and the complacency has slowed my progress. Let this be a lesson to never get comfortable, always have that feeling of fear of the unknown in you because that is a strong indicator that you are on the right track.
Remember that we are who we choose to be. Im starting to understand that everyone chooses and it is not up to me to choose for them. I can only present them with choice and they must pick their own path. I want to declare that I will support anyone 100% that has a desire to succeed. Those that choose to do nothing will be left with their choice. I used to want to change the world, now I just want to grow with people who have a work ethic and desire to take on a new direction. I will be an SVP and I am looking for the people that have the courage to create a life they love.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Reasons vs Results
Its mid Feb and by now many of our new years resolutions have been defeated by old habits or excuses. There is no shame in that though, it's what 90% of the people do. I am writing this blog to shed some light on why we allow this to happen...
We were so pumped up about starting 2011 and making it the best year ever. Some of us are still on track with our goals, cheers to you. I too am guilty of not honouring my word with my resolution of getting back to the gym to regain my fitness.
So let's talk about why...
I have come to understand that the highest form of living is being your word. There is so much power in doing what you say you are going to do. I have recently become present to the things I say and the fact that I need to take responsibility for what I say.
Many times we are so quick to create excuses as to why we are not getting things done or achieving our goals but we need to understand that no matter what the reason may be it is still an EXCUSE!
When people say things like, "I don't have the money for the convention or to sign up" or "I am just so busy right now" or "I am tired from work" those are all excuses and nothing more.
Here is the bottom line... if we are not achieving the results we want to achieve it has nothing to do with our reasons, it's so easy to blame our reasons. If we want to create a life we love we have to be unreasonable and committed to being our word.
Personally, I have experienced tremendous regret whenever I let reasons win over results. It crushes my spirit and limits me in creating the life I want!
If we continue to let the reasons win then we can only create an average life, if you want to be average that's your choice. I don't care what you tell me, nobody would choose working for a boss, having to deal with the office politics, working 40 hours a week for 40 years to retire on a 40% pension (pensions are just an urban legend now anyway) over having complete time and money freedom if they knew what it was like to have time and money freedom.
Start building assets; rental properties, gold and silver, a network marketing business, anything that will provide you with residual income so that you can move closer to creating a life you love. Jim Rohn said it best "if you could do better, shouldn't you?"
So what is going to win this week? Reasons or results?
Friday, December 31, 2010
Clean Slate
Another year has passed us with many ups and downs. 2010 saw success, failure and lessons learned. I think it is important to reflect on the past year. Be grateful for the things that went right and even more grateful for the things that went wrong. Take some time out of your day today to write in a journal on what you experienced this year. It will help you plan for 2011.
Now looking forward, we have a brand new year ahead of us and around this time we are all very ambitious. So many people are making their new years resolutions to get back into shape, to be more productive at work and even to strengthen their relationships with loved ones. What are your resolutions? Put them down on paper.
I suggest you focus on 5 main goals for the year. They can be big or small it doesn't matter but this will build momentum in your life. If you feel like things haven't been going your way up until now then it is time for a new direction.
While we are on the topic of change it is important to remember that what you have accomplish up until now is nothing short of amazing. No one NEEDS to change, we are all perfect the way we are. Now if you are seeking a new direction to ADD to your life then make 2011 the year to do it. Take that trip that you are dying to go on, learn a new skill that you have always wanted to learn, talk to more people, start that new business, do whatever it is you having been putting off up until now. You only get one shot at life, make the most of it and don't hold back. Who cares what other people think of you, if they are busy talking about you they are missing out on their own life!!
Take more risks in 2011, you will be shocked at your results this time next year!
Now I am going to make some predictions for the business world in 2011 if anyone is interested. This is pure speculation none of this is fact because they are predictions...
1) I predict the prices of Gold and Silver to skyrocket this year, Gold to break $1,600 and silver to pass $40. The American economy is full of corruption and financial terrorists, take your savings out and store it in physical gold and silver until things stabilize.
2) You will start to see a huge boom in network marketing towards the spring. There is a huge awareness of our industry growing and people are opening their eyes to new opportunities as more and more jobs disappear. Now is the time to start building residual income!!!!
3) Real estate prices will start to drop, we are approaching the top of a real estate bubble in Canada and once the bubble pops we could see housing prices fall by as much as 40%. This will be a great opportunity for those in the know to pick up some great deals on rental properties!
Start preparing yourself for the coming changes of 2011 so that you can capitalize on the coming opportunities. Financial education is the most important asset we can own. Read read read!
Start with Rich Dad Poor Dad, www.goldsilver.com, www.maxkeiser.com, Jim Rohn (youtube)
Remember information costs, but it pays for itself!
All the best to you in the new year!
Friday, December 17, 2010
No more excuses!
I'm back from a memorable weekend in San Diego. It was my 5th international convention and it was a very special one for me because I was promoted to a new position and walked the stage in front of over 20 thousand people! There is nothing like getting recognition for hard work.
This has been the greatest environment for my development. It has pushed me to grow and overcome my fears. The recognition for that was overwhelming. I will NEVER go back to the corporate job world there is nothing there that stimulates my growth. When I hit my promotion I received tons of phone calls, text messages, high five and hugs from people in my team and people that barely know me. Why would I go back to a place where a promotion means people resent you, talk about you behind your back and are jealous of your accomplishments?!
Even though I am having this success there are always people who will doubt themselves as they watch me grow. They say, well thats nice but I think I don't want to sell, or a I think they are manipulating people or I don't have the ability to sell or talk to people...
What a tragedy. The people that say no to this amazing opportunity are just cheating themselves out of their true potential. Its even more of a shame when someone lets their broke friends, people that have never achieved anything of significance because of their own fear of overcoming their own mind to become great, talk them out of such a life changing opportunity.
Just for the record everyone, the people with sales skills, or public speaking skills do not typically do well in this industry. I am looking for the people with no skills who just have a desire to experience a new direction in their life. A direction that will bring them new skills, new friends, travel to places they have never seen before etc..
What will it take for people to wake up and realize that your company does NOT care about your personal development. They WILL discard you when they figure out how your job can be replaced by technology or they find someone who is willing to do your job for less pay.
I have a friend who has 7 PhD's, yes 7! He was recently fired from is job and is unemployed right now.
Do you think going back to school is the answer? Think again, school teaches you how to be broke and takes your money to do it.
Have you ever the story of the sower and the reaper? The sower is the laborer who works the fields of the reaper every day and the reaper takes all the reward. Now some of us like the people who have partnered with me, are sowing our own fields. Unfortunately 97% of the population is sowing the fields of someone else and funding their bosses dreams because they believe there is no other way.
Here's the bottom line... I don't care if you are sick, your tired from work or you find it uncomfortable to hand someone a DVD and say "would you put this into your dvd player and watch this" ( Like that takes a PhD), you all have the potential inside of you to be great. To achieve things you would never even dream possible, to live the lifestyle you deserve! Just drop all of those excuses (because that's all that they are is excuses) because it will be much more uncomfortable to be broke and living paycheck to paycheck.
As Greg Provenzano so powerfully says, " You need to start living the life that you deserve... RIGHT NOW!"
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Breaking Through
"Success is not something you pursue, success is something you attract by becoming attractive..." Jim Rohn
For the past few months I was having a tough time building momentum in my businesses. I was so focused on trying to get success that I forgot that the only way to have success is to attract it. Once I switched my focus back to gratitude and helping others achieve their goals, the success started to flow to me.
Here is the lesson, go to work on yourself. Be the type of person that people want to do business with. If that means that you need to change some personality traits, then do it! Be more social, be more caring, listen more and talk less. Once you start regularly practicing these actions, they will become habit. When they become habit they will be ingrained in your personality.
You will notice that as you become a more attractive person more and more people will start to talk about you in a positive light. This will build your reputation in the business world and then you will gain the most important thing in business... TRUST.
The other HUGE factor to my recent success has been showing gratitude. Understand that the universe is conspiring to your benefit so everything that is happening to you is happening for a reason. Always express gratitude for all the things that are going right in your life, and ask for strength to handle the challenges. Once you start expressing gratitude you will notice that you will attract more and more abundance. For me, it usually takes only a few minutes for things to start appearing for me. It's getting ridiculous!!! Who knows what we can attract next!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Last Wednesday was my university graduation. I put on a robe and hat and received my $50,000 piece of paper. There were speeches from the figureheads at the university encouraging us to pursue our dreams and to stand out from the crowd... Kind of ironic that as I looked around the auditorium I saw a ton of depressed faces because they all realized the same thing. We graduated, but now what? The dream jobs with the huge salaries that we were made to believe existed really did not. All of these people will fight each other for a job and enter the rat race in hopes of just making enough money to pay their bills at the end of the month. Some were talking about returning to school to donate more money to this broken system only to end up in the same situation... More letters behind their name but still making ends meet. Wake up.
School is not the answer in 2010. We are in an age where if you don't work for yourself you are simply a slave to a business owner who is realizing his dream of financial freedom. We don't need more employees, we need people to separate themselves from the 97% and create businesses that will contribute to society.
School does not teach you how to become financially free, this type of education can only be achieved by learning from someone who has done it before. Start your own businesses, make mistakes and learn hard lessons.
I love it when people tell me that they are going to school for business because they want to own their own business some day. How are you going to learn business from a textbook and a professor who is not a business but simply an employee.
Too many people are brainwashed by the old mentality of go to school get a job and save your money in mutual funds. what a joke...
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