Ladies you can just swap girlfriend for boyfriend the example still applies. So when your out on the hunt and your meeting a whole bunch of different girls looking for the one your going to click with, you will run into some rotten apples.
I'm sure every guy can relate to meeting a good looking girl, you exchange info and meet up for a drink or what not.
At first you get all excited because it's someone new and you think this could be the one! So you meet with her and things just aren't as you pictured they would be, they aren't all that interested anymore and things don't progress to the next level.
Now the same could be applied to prospects for the business, at first they are all excited and your hopes are sky high then for whatever reason things flop and your back to square one.
So let's say things do go well and you end up dating for a few years. Things are great then out of nowhere it all just falls apart. It's happened to all of us, that's just the way things go sometimes.
Let me ask you... If you meet a great girl and things don't work out long term do you just quit looking for a girl and settle for a life of staying home on a the weekends and crying over your bad luck? NO WAY you get your ass back out there and meet new girls!
Because you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there has to be a girl out there for you and you just keep trying until you find that person that your destined for!
The same is true with this business, who cares if it doesn't work out with a rep, keep looking until you find that person that will just explode your business!!
Believe me they are out there, you just need to look and never give up. It's crazy to even consider giving up because that person is out there waiting for you to find them! They need you just as much or maybe more than you need them!
Jim Rohn, "If you search you will find. Finding is reserved for those that search."
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